Boys – Ohio

Austin   Age: 15

Austin is full of energy. He loves to be on the move and active. He enjoys exploring the internet and playing games online. Austin loves attention and often does goofy things to get the attention that he is wanting. He loves to play a laugh. Austin is very charming and is liked by many. It is very hard not to like Austin and he has beautiful smile.

Jeremiah   Age: 16

Jeremiah enjoys taking things apart and putting things back together and wants to be an Engineer one day. Jeremiah likes watching TV and looking at movie, and just enjoys being around people. He also enjoys going to school, going on outings, and attending church with his current foster family. He listens to music often and would say that Michael Jackson is one of his favorite artists. Jeremiah wants to have a forever family.

Joseph   Age: 16

Joseph is full of energy. He is a hard worker and enjoys helping people. Joseph loves to do things such as mow the neighbor’s lawn for extra cash. Joseph loves to fish. IF he could fish every day he would. He finds it relaxing and fun. Joseph is very caring. He is a giver. He enjoys helping around the home with cleaning and keeping things together.

Judah   Age: 9

Judah is an intelligent young boy. He loves to build with Legos or blocks. He enjoys playing basketball, football or going to the park. His favorite subject in school is Science. Judah wants to be a scientist when he grows up.

Lawrence   Age: 11

Lawrence loves math and wants to be an engineer when he grows up. He loves to play with Legos and draw designs. He also enjoys playing with Beyblade spinning toys, video games and coloring. Lawrence is an honest, caring and sweet child. He loves hugs and spending time with the people he cares about.

Nycholas   Age: 9

Nycholas has a smile for everyone he meets. He loves to listen to music and sing, especially Michael Jackson. Playing carpool karaoke while enjoying a car ride is always a fun time. Nycholas likes going to school and playing with friends. He also loves puzzles and reading. His favorite book is Thomas the Tank Engine but he also loves reading about superheroes.

Madison   Age: 10

Madison is a sweet and loving child. He likes to play with fidgets and walk around the house. Madison is learning to be more independent. Madison enjoys listening to music. He is making academic progress in school. Madison has a way of letting you know what he wants.

Kamerin   Age: 15

Kamerin enjoys music, video games, hot wheel cars and building different things with Legos. He hopes for a family that enjoys being active and likes to play games. He describes himself as a great kid who likes to help people out. Root beer is his favorite all time drink and his favorite subject is math.

Sam    Age: 13

Sam likes to play video games and make TikTok videos. He likes school, particularly math and science. He also likes to play basketball and other sports as well as to read comic books. But he’s also good about helping around the house.

Coley    Age: 9

Coley enjoys extracurricular actives such as sports, going to the library and the boys and girls club. Coley does well with his peers and loves helping around the house. Coley enjoys watching movies, playing with action figures and drawing. Coley is not a picky eater and some of his favorite foods are pizza and carrots.

Ethan    Age: 16

Ethan has a great sense of humor and loves to make others smile. He is friendly and outgoing, and a good conversationalist. Ethan enjoys cooking, and recently asked his caseworker to buy him different foods so he could cook them and do a taste test. He is pretty adventurous with his food choices! Ethan is really hoping to find his forever family!

Chad    Age: 13

Chad loves to play video games, build with Legos, and put together puzzles. He also enjoys riding his bike and skateboard. Chad has enjoyed participating in gymnastics class and TaeKwanDo in the past and would like to take classes again. He enjoys watching Marvel movies.

Brandon     Age: 12

Brandon is athletic and plays three sports. But his talents don’t stop there. He’s also creative (click to read what he’s won!) and described and a nice and helpful child.

Tristen     Age: 16

Tristen is affectionate, outgoing, adventurous, inquisitive, and takes great pride in his appearance. Tristen wants a family that will support his continued involvement in a variety of activities, as he does well when he is kept busy.

Ryan     Age: 12

Ryan is an active fun and sociable child! He enjoys YouTube and he loves Marvel, especially the Avengers. Ryan likes trying new restaurants.

Solomon    Age: 14

Solomon desperately wants a mom who loves him unconditionally. He hopes for an active family with siblings and pets and one that enjoys outdoor activities and fun indoor games.

Eleik    Age: 14

Eleik is as described easy to talk to, friendly and engaging. He enjoys singing and dancing and performing for others. He hopes to have a career in music in the future.

Adam    Age: 12

Wanted: parents with lots of energy and a love for the great outdoors! To Adam, the activity doesn’t matter, just make sure it’s outside and that he’ll keep moving!

Christopher    Age: 15

This boy likes school and earns As, Bs and Cs. His favorite class is gym because he likes to play basketball. He loves to watch Big Ten college football on TV and would love to go to lots of Bengals games.

Giovanni    Age: 17

Grant Me Hope first interviewed Giovanni in 2016. He had been matched, but that match unfortunately fell through. His video is, as a result, a bit out of date right now, but that doesn’t change the fact this kind young man needs a home!

Hayden    Age: 15

Hayden is going to need a family that is as into “Transformers” and Bumblebee as he is! Other than that, Hayden enjoys learning social studies and reading about history.

Izaiah    Age: 14

Charming, sweet, polite and creative are all words used to describe this young man! Izaiah likes football and Legos. He enjoys cooking but admits he needs some help on some dishes. Could that help be you?

Cody    Age: 17

This active young man hopes for a home and family that enjoys being in the country! He hopes for space to run around and play. He loves Spiderman, enjoys listening music, but mostly, Cody enjoys just staying busy!

Trevor     Age: 16

Trevor can be described as an outdoorsman. He loves to be outside playing in the yard or riding his bike around the neighborhood. He also loves tossing a football and would like an adoptive family who would do that with him.

Marcus      Age: 13

Must love football! Football is Marcus’ world! He does like other things too, he must to exert his seemingly endless energy. He enjoys being outdoors and hopes his future includes a dog!

Ethan        Age: 12

Ethan describes himself as nice, funny and friendly. He hopes to have a dog some day and to make the world a better place!

Blake        Age: 15

This laid back young back has dreams of becoming a surgeon someday and says he’s determined enough to make it happen! He could use the support of strong and loving parents as he works to achieve his goals.

Ryan        Age: 14

Ryan has a smile that will melt your heart! Ryan loves to laugh and giggle. He loves to play the guitar and will happily play you a tune. Ryan enjoys playing board games, coloring and card games. He really enjoys any activity that an adult will sit down and do with him. He also enjoys movies and playing video games.

Ricky        Age: 15

Ricky is a very sweet, soft-spoken young man who is looking forward to meeting his forever family as soon as possible. His therapist describes him as the perfect kid for a family who wants to cuddle, converse and stay connected.

Isaiah         Age: 12

He describes himself as a gentleman, someone who helps people cross the street. He plans to be a police officer when he grows up. Isaiah would like a big family with lots of siblings and a dog.

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