


Zayden is 11 years old in sixth grade. He shows affection by giving hugs. He loves to build relationships and make new friends. He’s very creative enjoys all kinds of toys and being outside. Zayden likes all kinds of activities like soccer, swimming, playing video games, riding bikes, and playing with Legos. He likes to go to parks play on the slides. He likes doing science experiments and also enjoys Hot Wheels cars. He enjoys reading, looking at books.

Zayden shows initiative by often taking on projects around the house. He loves animals and enjoys taking care of them. His dream house would be a mansion. What makes him happy is being loved by animals and people. Zayden is also an adventurous person. He’d like to visit Spain and watch the bulls run. Zayden enjoys family activities like camping, riding bikes together, and playing Monopoly. His favorite holidays are Christmas and Halloween.

Zayden would love to be part of a family. “I want a family. I want to have brothers and sisters. I want younger sisters and brothers and parents. I’ll go swim with my family.” Zayden needs parents that are patient and understanding. He should be with a family that’s active and that spends a lot of time together. Zayden is a really great kid. He’s got a lot of love to give.

For more information about or to meet Zayden (C010457), please call the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) at 800-589-MARE(6273).

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