


Call River a disciple of the discipline known as English language arts and for good reason. “I’m weirdly good at it,” River says about his favorite subject in school. Maybe he’s good at it because he likes writing and poetry. Or it could be because River is a crafty, creative youth who likes drawing, painting, scrapbooking and collecting trinkets. “He has begun to explore new drawing genres and appears excited to expand on his way of expressing himself,” says one of River’s close adults. He enjoys reading, too, with the goal of absorbing every Marvel comic book but especially the Deadpool series. The reading as well as TV watching help trigger River’s other special talents. “River will often break out in song, dance or a re-enactment of a movie or cartoon series,” says a close adult. “Following the performance, he explains where it came from and why he enjoys that particular piece.” On his list of favorite things, River includes cats, dogs and fennec foxes for animals, sage green and crimson red for colors and sushi and chicken nuggets for foods. When he gets older, River wants to become a home health aide/caregiver, and if he could visit anywhere, he’d travel to Colorado to visit a relative. One of River’s biggest wishes is “to have a good family” so they can “spend quality time together.”

“River is creative, spontaneous and fun to be around,” says a close adult. “River loves giving and receiving affection to demonstrate love and appreciation. He has a bubbly personality that can bring happiness to others around him. River is loyal, sincere and caring. River will do anything to help the people he cares for.”

River’s new forever family should be patient, understanding and supportive as he transitions into the home. His new parent or parents should be experienced and trauma informed. River also needs a family who will be open to letting him explore who he is and support him no matter what. His family must make sure River receives any services that will help him thrive.

For more information about or to meet River (C010623), please call the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) at 800-589-MARE(6273).

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