We help churches engage their backyard mission field
Grant Me Hope’s Founder, Helen Zeerip is a dynamic, engaging, and passionate speaker. Speaking across the country, she shares the vision and purpose behind our mission, and how that connects with the local church being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to their community. As the adopted children of God (Galatians 4:4-7), the church understands better than most what it means to have a family and to be a part of a family. It is our desire that every foster child would experience the blessing of that reality as well.

Our 2-minute professionally produced, broadcast quality videos air on TV networks across the country. Make them a regular part of your Sunday service! These heart-moving, personalized videos help introduce foster children hoping for adoption to prospective parents. Whether you play them one Sunday a month or each week, that 2 minutes can radically alter the course of a foster child’s life, and have a tremendous and tangible Kingdom impact! And here’s the icing on the cake… We do the heavy lifting! We produce and provide the videos, we help share the purpose and vision with your church, and you take it from there! Click HERE to see some samples of our work.
Grant Me Hope provides churches with life-changing opportunities!
Mentoring – Our mentors are committed Christ-followers who meet weekly with older foster youth who’ve aged-out of the system without ever being adopted. In addition to introducing them to Christ, we want to help them learn valuable life-skills so they can successfully navigate their transition into adulthood. Click HERE for more info.
Providing Respite – Our full-time live-in house parents who invest daily in the lives of aged-out foster youth will need a break from time-to-time – whether its a couple of hours for a date, a couple of days for a short getaway, or a week for a planned vacation. This can’t happen without willing and caring respite care volunteers. Click HERE for more info.
Now, you may be thinking… “We barely have enough volunteers to cover our weekend services.” We get it. Which is why we don’t compete – we enhance what your congregation is already doing. Imagine your small groups and service teams engaging in mission and coming alongside hurting, lonely, and at-risk youth who’ve never had an adult in their life that they can count on. Imagine the retirees and empty-nesters in your congregation covering house parents while they go out on a date, or take a weekend away. Not only will the people in your church come alive with renewed passion and purpose, but just think of all of the amazing gospel opportunities they will have as they engage the mission field in their community!

And we bathe it all in prayer…
Not only are we praying for the success of our mission, but when we visit your church, we also bring prayer cards. These cards are photos of Michigan children who are hoping for adoption. Each card has the child’s first name, along with a few interesting tidbits about them. We then ask anyone who would like to take a card to pray for that child; for adoption, and for God’s strength, peace, and wisdom, as they wait in hope for a forever family.
To schedule a meeting with a member of our team, to invite us to speak at your church, or for questions about Grant Me Hope, email info@grantmehope.org or call (616) 836-7949

Find us on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram and subscribe, like, share, and retweet our children’s videos to help find them a forever home!