We want to help you!
We know that Foster Care Caseworkers work tirelessly and diligently to find adoptive homes for the children in their care. Grant Me Hope’s videos can help! We produce professional, broadcast quality videos of foster children who hope for adoption. Our videos are both compelling and moving. We reserve parks, entertainment or discovery centers, museums and more for our video shoots. We give the children time to have fun, relax and open up. Our videos can help you introduce children to prospective parents. Our goal is to work with and help as many states and agencies as we can because children aging out of foster care without being adopted is a national problem. Click HERE to see some samples of our work.
Contact our Founder, Helen Zeerip at (616) 836-7949 or email helen@grantmehope.org

Do you have foster youth in your caseload who are about to age out?
We can help! Grant Me Hope has three homes in West MI that will provide safe, stable, and affordable housing to foster youth who have aged out of the system with nowhere to go. We will provide them with mentoring and life skills training within a loving family-type environment complete with full-time live-in house parents. Click HERE for more info.
Contact our Homes Administrator, Michael Wilkinson at (616) 928-9926 or email michaelw@grantmehope.org