


One of the adults close to her calls Lilly “a great swimmer” who takes to water naturally. Since she enjoys swimming, it’s no wonder that she’s an outdoors lover who has a special affection for the critters in the woods. “Lilly has a love for wildlife and wants to be a veterinarian,” says one of the adults who cares about her most. Lilly’s talents interests extend to art and doing arts and crafts. “Lilly is hands-on and enjoys tasks such as bead art and coloring,” says one of her close adults. “Lilly enjoys being outdoors swinging on the swings or throwing pebbles into the lake.” She likes fishing, playing soccer and participating in karate. One of her favorite indoor activities is playing Uno. If she could visit anywhere, Lilly would travel to Florida, her dream destination, because she wants to visit Disney World. Once she finds a forever family, Lilly would love to go to the movies with them.

“Lilly has a kind heart and loves to snuggle,” says one of her close adults. “Lilly enjoys going places with the family and watching movies together. Lilly deserves and requires a loving home. She has been through a lot and just wants to be loved. She describes herself as funny, loving, silly and outgoing.”

Lilly would do well with two parents who can give her the attention she thrives on. Her new parents need to make sure Lilly gets the services that will help her function at her best. Lilly would do best in a structured home with a consistent routine. Lilly also would best as the youngest or only child in her new forever family. Finally, Lilly needs a family who will be open to letting her explore who she is and support her no matter what.

For more information about or to meet Lilly (C09795), please call the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) at 800-589-MARE(6273).

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