


Even though largemouth bass are not native to The Last Frontier, Zech wants to travel to Alaska to go fishing for them because he’s up for the challenge. Fishing brings great joy to Zech. He loves fishing on the weekends and hopes to do some angling with a future family. Zech likes sports, too, and has participated in football and wrestling at school. “He hopes to play baseball in the spring,” says one of Zech’s close adults. “He enjoys being outside, riding his bike to the library and playing catch and basketball.” He recently took up needle felting. “He has really become more adventurous lately and is willing to try things – food and activities – that he feels may be outside his comfort zone,” says a close adult. Zech’s comfort foods are pizza and spaghetti, but he says he likes everything except fruits and veggies. His favorite color is red, his favorite animals are German shepherds and his favorite subjects in school are gym and math. Zech loves playing video games and listening to music. If he had three wishes, Zech would want to play video games every day, have no chores and “have my forever family.” Some of the things he looks forward to doing with them are enjoying sports, going fishing and going to trampoline parks and other amusement centers.

According to one of his close adults, “Zech is someone who has a big heart for other people. He loves being around others and doing what he can to make sure those around him are happy. Zech is learning more independence skills and is willing to learn from all those around him. He is fun to be around and has the ability to make those around him smile.”

Zech would do well with one or two parents regardless of race or gender. He would do well with other children, but he would do best as the oldest. “He would do fine in a home with or without pets,” adds one of his close adults. His new forever family must be patient and understanding with his transition into the home, and they need to make sure Zech receives any support services that will help him thrive. The family also needs to be open to letting Zech maintain his sibling relationships.

For more information about Zechariah (C010658) or to meet him, please call the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) at 800-589-MARE(6273).

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